Case Study: Bandalong Litter Trap™ on the Anacostia River

Explore how the Bandalong Litter Trap™ helped clean Washington, D.C.'s Anacostia River.


The Anacostia River in Washington, D.C., has long been one of the most polluted rivers in the United States. Despite its proximity to the nation's capital, the river has suffered from decades of neglect, with heavy pollution and litter accumulation severely impacting the waterway and surrounding communities.

The Challenge

The District of Columbia faced a significant challenge in addressing the pollution in the Anacostia River. Traditional methods of litter control were not effective enough, especially during heavy rainfalls and high flow rates. The city needed a solution that could withstand these conditions while efficiently capturing the large amounts of litter that entered the river.

The Solution: Bandalong Litter Trap™

To combat this challenge, the District of Columbia installed the Bandalong Litter Trap™. This innovative device is designed to capture floating litter in rivers and streams, operating effectively even under challenging weather conditions. The Bandalong's robust performance made it the preferred choice over other solutions tested by the Anacostia River Watershed Society.


From May 2009 to May 2010, the Bandalong Litter Trap collected thousands of pounds of trash from the Anacostia River. Its performance exceeded expectations, particularly during the heavy rains and high flow rates of the summer. The success of the Bandalong Litter Trap marked the beginning of a cleaner river, setting the stage for ongoing environmental improvement efforts in Washington, D.C.


John Wasiutynski, an Environmental Protection Specialist with the District of Columbia Department of Environment, praised the Bandalong Litter Trap, stating:

“We have a net trap at another outfall and the Anacostia River Watershed Society built its own litter trap to test simultaneously with the Bandalong. Neither did as well as the Bandalong in last summer’s heavy rains and high flow rates. Provided the application is appropriate, I would recommend the product.”


  • Effective in Adverse Conditions: The Bandalong Litter Trap performed exceptionally well even during heavy rains and high flow rates, proving its reliability in various weather conditions.
  • Significant Litter Reduction: The trap's ability to capture large amounts of trash played a crucial role in beginning the cleanup of the Anacostia River.
  • Community and Environmental Impact: The success of the Bandalong Litter Trap has helped restore the Anacostia River, benefiting both the local community and the environment.


The installation of the Bandalong Litter Trap on the Anacostia River demonstrates the effectiveness of this solution in tackling severe litter problems in urban waterways. Washington, D.C.'s experience shows that with the right tools, even heavily polluted rivers can begin the journey toward recovery.

Learn More

For more information on the Bandalong Litter Trap™ and how it can benefit your community, visit Storm Water Systems.

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